Germany: Islamic scholar opposes Muslims’ claim that women do not wear headscarves because they are afraid of being discriminated against

In Germany, a study entitled “Muslim Life in Germany” was conducted. Among other things, it examined the extent to which religious affiliation or regional origin affect integration into the host society.

Based on the results of this study, the Austrian Islamic scholar Mouhanad Khorchide is now calling for a broader headscarf discussion among Muslims in this country, reports the news agency APA. In the weekend edition of the daily “Rheinische Post”, the scholar, who teaches at the German University of Münster, wrote in a guest article:

“I would like to use the example of a result of the study ‘Muslim Life in Germany’ to show the urgent need for a more intense inner-Islamic discourse on the subject of the headscarf.”

He justifies his demand with the results of the study. According to the study, 88.6 per cent of those who wear a headscarf see it as a religious duty. 76.6 per cent of those who do not wear it, on the other hand, do not see it as a religious duty.

According to Khorchide, this result has not been discussed in the Muslim media so far. What is discussed, however, are the 34.5 per cent who do not wear a headscarf – for fear that this could lead to disadvantages for them at school, in education or at work.

For Khorchide, this raises the question of why. “Why, however, is only this last-mentioned result received, which wants to underline the disadvantage, but completely suppresses the other one, according to which there are two contrary positions within Muslims around the question of the religious status of the headscarf?”

For this reason, the Islamic scholar calls for an inner-Islamic theological discourse beyond socio-political debates in order to also clarify such important questions.

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